People at the conference sitting at tables listening to speakers.

2026 Schedule & Agenda

Conference Information

We are looking forward to putting together a fabulous lineup of sessions for our attendees for the 2026 conference. The AEMSA Conference Planning Committee has started working diligently to provide you an opportunity to engage with industry experts from all parts of the nation. Please come visit the site again soon with updates on our speaker and presentation selections.

Attendees of the Arrowhead EMS Conference & Expo.

The 45th Annual Arrowhead EMS Conference and Expo is coming soon on January 21st through the 25th 2026. Get ready for insightful discussions, networking opportunities with industry leaders, and exciting presentations from top experts.

Stay tuned for registration details – you won’t want to miss it!

2025 Full Schedule

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

EMT Refresher (Session 1)

  • Lake Superior L
  • Lucas Goodin
This course is designed to meet the National Continued Competency Requirements (NCCR) that meets the current MN and NREMT requirements to maintain your EMT license... Read More During this refresher you will be provided with interactive discussions as well as hands on applications of your skills in live scenarios including moulage victims. You will still be required to get your additional 20 hours of you State/Local and Individual hours. This course does not cover any of these additional hours.

Financial Leadership for EMS-Presented by SafeTech Solutions - EMS Leadership & Supervisor Academies

  • French River
  • Michelle Anderson
  • Aarron Reinert
You do not have to be a MBA, or the organization's CFO to understand, lead, and manage an organization's finances... Read More This session will provide an overview or usual revenue streams, expenses, and how to lead and manage both. How to create a budget, read a balance sheet, and do basic financial forecasting will all be covered using tools, techniques and resources for the non-finance person. Bring some paper, a pencil, and a calculator as this will be a roll up your sleeves hands on session. A course outline (learning objectives) The attendee will be able to correct read and understand a standard profit and loss statementThe attendee will be exposed to balance sheets and their use in financial leadership The attendee will learn basic budgeting tools and their uses The attendee will understand how to forecast items like salaries and expenses

Self-Defense for EMS Personnel Class #1

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Mike Gau
  • Marlyn Halvorson
  • Scott Peterson
This course is designed specifically for emergency medical personnel to address situations they may encounter with their patients or clients... Read More The course will include situational awareness, de-escalation, basic blocking and avoidance techniques. Self-defense techniques will be covered in the event an EMS worker is grabbed or attacked in various ways. Questions from those attending will be encouraged to maximize the usefulness of the course for those in attendance.
Thursday, January 16, 2025

EMS Officers Bootcamp: Managing the Employee Relationship

  • Lake Superior O
  • Scott Moore
Part one: Interviewing, Hiring and Onboarding (3 hours)The current recruitment and retention challenges being experienced by EMS agencies demand that agencies “get it right... Read More ” The hiring process poses one of the greatest areas of practical and legal exposure for EMS organizations. Often EMS leaders are thrust into the role of interviewing candidates without any training or guidance. Additionally, we will examine the current best practices employee onboarding, including the most effective recruitment strategies, articulating the employee value proposition, effectively and legally interviewing candidates, and creating and conducting meaningful employee orientation programs. This session will discuss a review of the employment laws that are implicated in the hiring process and will discuss why it is critical for those involved in the hiring process. We will include interactive demonstrations with attendees and will provide them with a roadmap that they can take back to their agencies to positively impact their workforce challenges. Part two: Employment Law I (1 hour)This module is intended to provide EMS leaders with a solid understanding of the laws that govern the employment relationship and highlight how this is often the greatest legal exposure to any EMS organization. This two-hour module will explain the provisions of the major Federal and state employment laws and includes discussions about the legal concepts associated with “At-Will” employment, wage & hour laws, employment discrimination, anti-retaliation, the ADA and the interactive process, employee leave, including Sick & Family Medical Leave, and several others. Part three: Employment Law II (1 hour)This module will provide attendees with practical examples of how the numerous employment laws apply in a typical EMS environment and whenthe law should influence the manner a supervisor or manager performs their daily duties. This module focuses on how seemingly simple supervisory behavior or actions can have significant legal implications for their organization. This session highlights common legal pitfalls that trip up even the most seasoned of supervisors and guidance on how to avoid a misstep. Part four: Managing Difficult Employment Issues (3 hours)In this module, we will examine challenging or difficult issues that front-line supervisors face regularly. EMS providers perform both physically and mentally challenging work in rapidly changing and difficult environments. The front-line supervisor is frequently encountering work-related injuries, workplace legal and illegal drug use, and employee behavioral and mental health related issues. Lastly, attendees will learn how to deal with aggressive or difficult employee encounters with a focus on non-confrontational communication tactics while controlling the exchange and protecting the workplace.

EMT Refresher (Session 2)

  • Lake Superior L
  • Lucas Goodin
This course is designed to meet the National Continued Competency Requirements (NCCR) that meets the current MN and NREMT requirements to maintain your EMT license... Read More During this refresher you will be provided with interactive discussions as well as hands on applications of your skills in live scenarios including moulage victims. You will still be required to get your additional 20 hours of you State/Local and Individual hours. This course does not cover any of these additional hours.

Railroad Emergency Response and Hazardous Materials Awareness Training (Session 1)

  • Edmund Fitzgerald Hall
  • Kenneth Collins
  • Paul Hester
  • Sean Trebiatowski
As members of Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response (TransCAER®), railroad HAZMAT experts provide railroad hazardous materials familiarization course for community emergency responders... Read More This four-hour interactive course uses a combination of classroom and hands-on modules. Objectives: Identify safety considerations while working around a railroad.Identify types of hazardous materials transported.Identify types of railroad cars and locomotive safety considerations.Learn about locomotives and the extrication of a non-ambulatory extraction techniques. Learn how to secure the locomotive for safety.

Self-Defense for EMS Personnel Class #2

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Mike Gau
  • Marlyn Halvorson
  • Scott Peterson
This course is designed specifically for emergency medical personnel to address situations they may encounter with their patients or clients... Read More The course will include situational awareness, de-escalation, basic blocking and avoidance techniques. Self-defense techniques will be covered in the event an EMS worker is grabbed or attacked in various ways. Questions from those attending will be encouraged to maximize the usefulness of the course for those in attendance.

Human Anatomy Lab #1

  • College of St. Scholastica
  • Lindsay Pacey-Allen
Basic introduction into anatomy and physiology for those involved with pre-hospital care... Read More In this interactive class, participants will be given an opportunity for hands on education on donor bodies (cadavers) in an actual human anatomy teaching lab. They will be shown dissected human bodies while having an opportunity to see and explore the relation of anatomy to illness and injuries. Effects of trauma and emergency procedures on the body will be discussed and demonstrated. Seeing the great internal variability of the human body will help participants recognize the need to approach each patient individually. This session will be taught by an Emergency Medicine physician as well as an anatomy instructor. Questions are encouraged.Session Objectives: To learn more about human anatomy and physiologyReview the pathology of causes of deathTo recognize what happens internally to organ systems from direct or penetrating traumaExperience hands-on exploration of human muscle and organ attributesTo learn how early EMS treatment can reduce the morbidity/mortality of our patientPlease note, in order to participate in the lab, you MUST watch an Orientation Video from the University of Minnesota, where we receive our donor bodies from, as well as complete a paper copy of this Preserved Anatomy Disclosure Form prior to your arrival to St. Scholastica’s campus in order to enter the anatomy lab space.Below are the anatomy lab policies given to us from the University of Minnesota that we strictly abide by.All students will be required to participate in the Anatomy Bequest Program (ABP) orientation presentation either conducted in person by an ABP professional staff member or a video version before access to the donors.Cell phones and/or cameras are not allowed in the laboratory when anatomical material is present. The acquisition of video or photo images of the anatomical material is strictly prohibited without the prior consent of the ABP Proposal Review Committee, including but not limited to images for distribution or publication.Students shall track the donor with the identification label provided by the ABP. The course director shall be contacted immediately if the identification label becomes disassociated from the donor. Anatomical material removed from the donor during dissection must be retained, properly labeled with additional identification labels, and tracked. Containers will be provided for appropriate storage of removed anatomical material and must stay with the donor.Anatomical material must remain in the approved laboratory.Access to the anatomical material should be restricted to students, teaching assistants, and faculty of courses approved by the Anatomy Bequest Program Proposal Review Committee.Disrespectful language, improper handling, or other inappropriate behavior involving the donor or dissection process will not be tolerated.Both conversational and written language relating to the donor and anatomical dissection must be respectful and discrete.Students are prohibited from disseminating information related to the donor and/or the donor’s demographical, social, or medical history using internet or social media platforms.Proper attire must be worn for anatomical study. This includes long pants or floor length skirt, full coverage t-shirts (short or long sleeve), and closed-toed shoes.The laboratory must remain clean. Laboratory tables and counters should be washed after each lab, and the floors should be kept free of spills and wastes.Non-compliance with the above policies may result in removal from the course with a failing grade based on conduct, referral to a disciplinary committee and/or law enforcement agency.

Leading Others and Ourselves: A Safetech Leadership Academy Refresher

  • French River
  • Michelle Anderson
  • Aarron Reinert
  • Ben Wasmund
This session is a blend of inspiring conversation, reflective exercises, and discussion of the topics you want to talk about... Read More It has been designed for the leader preparing themself for a move to executive leadership, or the leader who recently became an officer or executive leader. The session will use an “open space” format, where participants will choose the topics and issues they want to discuss. Topics might include  What it means to be a leader;What skills, talents, actions and behaviors are needed and expected in the role of an officer or executive;Developing other leaders and planning for the future;Our ability to influence others and find balance in our lives;Using fear to push us from behind instead of standing in our way;How to ensure that we are finding fulfillment in our roles and planning our own futures.Participants are encouraged to bring a topic or issue for the group to discuss and workshop, or simply come and soak in the experiences of leaders from a variety of EMS organizations.  This program is designed for leaders who aspire to become the executive of an organization, or leaders who have recently become the executive of an organization. A solid foundation in leadership and management at the senior leader level or graduation from the EMS Leadership Academy is highly encouraged.

Railroad Emergency Response and Hazardous Materials Awareness Training (Session 2)

  • Edmund Fitzgerald Hall
  • Kenneth Collins
  • Paul Hester
  • Sean Trebiatowski
As members of Transportation Community Awareness and Emergency Response (TransCAER®), railroad HAZMAT experts provide railroad hazardous materials familiarization course for community emergency responders... Read More This four-hour interactive course uses a combination of classroom and hands-on modules.Objectives:Identify safety considerations while working around a railroad.Identify types of hazardous materials transported.Identify types of railroad cars and locomotive safety considerations.Learn about locomotives and the extrication of a non-ambulatory extraction techniques. Learn how to secure the locomotive for safety.

Human Anatomy Lab #2

  • College of St. Scholastica
  • Lindsay Pacey-Allen
Basic introduction into anatomy and physiology for those involved with pre-hospital care... Read More In this interactive class, participants will be given an opportunity for hands on education on donor bodies (cadavers) in an actual human anatomy teaching lab. They will be shown dissected human bodies while having an opportunity to see and explore the relation of anatomy to illness and injuries. Effects of trauma and emergency procedures on the body will be discussed and demonstrated. Seeing the great internal variability of the human body will help participants recognize the need to approach each patient individually. This session will be taught by an Emergency Medicine physician as well as an anatomy instructor. Questions are encouraged.Session Objectives:To learn more about human anatomy and physiologyReview the pathology of causes of deathTo recognize what happens internally to organ systems from direct or penetrating traumaExperience hands-on exploration of human muscle and organ attributesTo learn how early EMS treatment can reduce the morbidity/mortality of our patientPlease note, in order to participate in the lab, you MUST watch an Orientation Video from the University of Minnesota, where we receive our donor bodies from, as well as complete a paper copy of this Preserved Anatomy Disclosure Form prior to your arrival to St. Scholastica’s campus in order to enter the anatomy lab space.Below are the anatomy lab policies given to us from the University of Minnesota that we strictly abide by.All students will be required to participate in the Anatomy Bequest Program (ABP) orientation presentation either conducted in person by an ABP professional staff member or a video version before access to the donors.Cell phones and/or cameras are not allowed in the laboratory when anatomical material is present. The acquisition of video or photo images of the anatomical material is strictly prohibited without the prior consent of the ABP Proposal Review Committee, including but not limited to images for distribution or publication.Students shall track the donor with the identification label provided by the ABP. The course director shall be contacted immediately if the identification label becomes disassociated from the donor. Anatomical material removed from the donor during dissection must be retained, properly labeled with additional identification labels, and tracked. Containers will be provided for appropriate storage of removed anatomical material and must stay with the donor.Anatomical material must remain in the approved laboratory.Access to the anatomical material should be restricted to students, teaching assistants, and faculty of courses approved by the Anatomy Bequest Program Proposal Review Committee.Disrespectful language, improper handling, or other inappropriate behavior involving the donor or dissection process will not be tolerated.Both conversational and written language relating to the donor and anatomical dissection must be respectful and discrete.Students are prohibited from disseminating information related to the donor and/or the donor’s demographical, social, or medical history using internet or social media platforms.Proper attire must be worn for anatomical study. This includes long pants or floor length skirt, full coverage t-shirts (short or long sleeve), and closed-toed shoes.The laboratory must remain clean. Laboratory tables and counters should be washed after each lab, and the floors should be kept free of spills and wastes.Non-compliance with the above policies may result in removal from the course with a failing grade based on conduct, referral to a disciplinary committee and/or law enforcement agency.
Friday, January 17, 2025

Conference Welcome

  • Lake Superior Ballroom

EMS System Design: Regression or Evolution?

  • Lake Superior Ballroom
  • Matt Zavadsky
EMS system design is rapidly changing due to lessons learned from the pandemic, the growing EMS worker shortage, dramatically increasing expenses, and a failing supply chain... Read More   Research on patient outcomes is also proving that what we once thought was true, may no longer be true.  Ideas that would have been considered heresy a few years ago are becoming acceptable.  What changes are occurring?  What myths are being dispelled?  How can you safely transition your system from the prior state to the future state?  These questions and more will be answers during this dynamic, interactive and at times, controversial session.Learning Objectives:Understand how we got to “here” in EMS system design evolution.Evaluate long-standing myths about EMS system delivery and determine which of these may no longer the true.Learn what several high-performing EMS systems have done to transform their system design and operations.Learn how to propose, test and evaluate system design changes in your EMS system.

Keynote Placeholder

  • Lake Superior Ballroom

Airway Anatomy Lab #1

  • St. Louis River
  • Jeffery Schultz
This session will give the EMS provider an inside look at the respiratory system and cardiovascular system... Read More We will be looking at ventilation and how it effects patient care. Pig lungs will be used for this class.Session Objectives:Review basic anatomy and physiology of the adult airway Explore principles of basic airway management Demonstrate oral, nasal airway insertion Demonstrate suctioning techniquesDemonstrate the insertion techniques for Combitubes, King- Lt Airways Participate in ventilating through an ET tube Recognize airway and respiratory anatomy Have a better understanding of respiratory injury pathophysiology Participate in ventilator hook up Feel more comfortable in handling respiratory and airway difficulties Review basic airway adjunct options for EMS personnel Discuss complications that arise when handling airways in the field


  • South Pioneer Hall

Now that you have the job, get into the job!

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Todd Messer
In this presentation we will discuss what a job in Fire/EMS industry today is all about... Read More Once you get hired it is your responsibility to make sure you are successful in the position. We will talk about some of the beliefs or comments I have heard from young people in this career about their expectations are, and what is fact and what is fiction. This will be an interactive discussion with class participants as this topic pertains to every agency that has or is in the process of hiring firefighters and medical professionals.

Prehospital Workplace Violence: Rethinking Scene Safety

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Jason Dush
EMS clinicians consider workplace violence (WPV) to be a significant cause of stress on the job... Read More This warrants particular emphasis since stress and lack of appreciation from the public have been cited as two of the top factors for a critically shrinking workforce. This talk will introduce key findings from a comprehensive year-long prospective cohort study on WPV within the Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service, including prevalence of violent patient encounters, associated risk factors, and barriers to recognizing violence when it occurs. The talk will include WPV prevention and mitigation strategies to keep prehosptial clinicians safe, such as rethinking scene safety, de-escalation techniques, the concept of "The Level Violet Resuscitation" with severe agitation algorithm, dispatch techniques, and forthcoming projects.

STEMI is Still a Big Deal! ...We Need to Stay Focused!

  • Lake Superior O
  • Richard Mullvain
STEMI heart attacks continue to be one of the most time critical challenges that EMS is faced with... Read More While care has improved over the years, there are still plenty of opportunities for improvement. Whether you are a rookie or a savvy veteran, there is always something more to learn about optimizing care.  Richard has been a STEMI leader with the Minnesota Mission:Lifeline project, and has 19 publications related to heart attack care.  This will be both an entertaining and enlightening presentation that will hopefully educate and motivate you to provide better heart attack care with confidence!  Presentation will cover the essential pieces of the STEMI Guidelines and Protocols. A quick review of basic STEMI recognition on 12-Lead ECG. An overview of local STEMI research. And an interesting look at several STEMI case studies from our region with many lessons to learn and pearls to take back to your practice.

The New Monsters & Sheep of Pediatric Poisoning

  • French River
  • Kirk Hughes
This updated lecture will discuss 5 "Monster" agents responsible for serious illness and/or death in the pediatric population  and 5 "Sheep" agents that are not significantly toxic to this population... Read More   Did you know, aspiration of thin hydrocarbons (i.e. gasoline, tiki torch fuel) can cause almost immediate chemical pneumonitis? Come learn about these "Monsters" and "Sheep" to be more prepared for those stressful Pediatric Poisoning calls.

Top 10 things for rural providers to know about Burn Injuries

  • Lake Superior L
  • Mark Johnston
  • Alex Lacey
This talk will focus on the care of burn patient by the rural provider both in the field and arrival at the hospital... Read More   We will focus on the common pitfalls that are most often seen in the prehospital setting.

Double Sequential Defibrillation

  • Lake Superior O
  • Nick Simpson
I will spend time going through the concept of Double Sequential External Defibrillation (DSED)... Read More Briefly walking through the history of how it came about, how we worked to deploy this concept at Hennepin EMS (including some lessons learned), and how other services and Medical Directors might consider using it at their service.  One of the biggest concepts of DSED is that it is a BLS level skill and it has the potentially to be universally applied while continuing care on scene.   *Based on scheduling challenges, I would only be able to come up for the session and would much prefer to have one of the earlier Friday time slots if at all possible. Thank you!

How The Bleep Did That Happen? Highway Safety for Emergency Responders

  • Lake Superior L
  • John McClellan
Traffic Incident Management (TIM) training provides best practices to first responders on how to be set up a scene to protect themselves and the victims, along with the incoming traffic passing through... Read More   This training is based on 20 years of experience presenting to, and learning from. first responders and incorporates tactics used by MNDOT's FIRST and State Patrol in responding to incidents daily.   It also touches on reminders on safety while travelling code to and from the scene and in non-emergent travel. Key messages to EMS are:  where to park if you are first on-scene vs. if you are not. The needs for high visibility clothing and the benefits and risks of emergency lightning. Overall lessons for all responders of spreading the scene out - especially the use of advance warning and the use of cones and or flares to direct and warn traffic. Versions of this training have been given since this program started in 2002 with close to 300 presentations.  It also shares many of the basic tips with the Federal Highways national TIM program that debuted in 2012.

It's Time to Talk to Prehospital Clinicians: Improving Patient Follow-Up and Feedback to EMS

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Jason Dush
Performance feedback and patient outcome follow-up are both fundamental to medical education and clinical practice, and yet there is consistently a lack of both provided to EMS... Read More This practice gap negatively impacts job satisfaction and clinical performance of prehospital personnel. The speaker will present on the importance of feedback in the clinical environment, after which she will introduce a novel quality improvement intervention she developed to provide this feedback to prehospital personnel. The intervention has been in place for over three years and now includes 50+ participating EMS agency sites throughout Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa with over 2,200 requests received and answered since its infancy. The presentation will include both published and preliminary research findings on analyses of types of requests received, intervention impact, and incorporation of emergency medicine (EM) clinician involvement. She will conclude with steps for implementation of similar programs within other healthcare institutions and EMS agencies. 

The Disaster March: SALT Mass Casualty Triage

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Matt Ashmore
  • Ty Weigman
The SALT triage assessment tool (Sort, Assess, Lifesaving Interventions, Treatment/Transport) provides nationwide triage standardization and improved accuracy, as EMS sort and categorize victims by injury severity... Read More   This interactive course will provide background on some of the most horrific circus disasters and knowledge needed to effectively sort patients from a clown car crash to a big top disaster.  This course meets NCCR for “Field Triage”Objectives:Recognize differences between SALT and START triage and why we should changeDemonstrate proper triage patient sortingIdentify need to work with other agenciesParticipates in triage scenario

Understanding Alzheimer's and Dementia: Best Practices for Interactions

  • French River
  • Jenna Pogorels
Alzheimer’s disease is not a normal part of aging... Read More This session will explore the common warning signs of Alzheimer's and what symptoms to look for in yourself and others. We will also discuss the impact of Alzheimer's, the difference between Alzheimer's and dementia, stages and risk factors, current research and treatments available.   Communication is more than just talking and listening – it’s also about sending and receiving messages through attitude, tone of voice, facial expressions and body language. As people with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias progress in their journey and the ability to use words is lost, families need new ways to connect. This discussion will share how communication takes place when someone has Alzheimer’s. This session will help those interacting with individuals with dementia to decode the verbal and behavioral messages delivered, , identify common behavior triggers, learn strategies to help intervene with some of the most common behavioral challenges of Alzheimer’s disease. and help to identify strategies to help connect and communicate at each stage of the disease.


  • Lake Superior Ballroom

2025 EMS Transformation Update – What’s Promising? What’s Threatening?

  • Lake Superior O
  • Matt Zavadsky
The role of EMS continues to dramatically evolve... Read More   Healthcare systems and payers have new agendas - delving even more into the value-based payment arena. Agencies and practitioners are implementing new services that enhance the value EMS brings to patients, payers, hospitals, ACOs, CMOs, and Hospital in the Home providers. MedStar has recently implemented new partnerships with commercial and public payers and other stakeholders who are paying for preventive and patient navigation services, including commercial insurance payments using CPT codes, in addition to HCPCS codes. This session will provide an overview of the programs implemented over the past year and the ways they are generating value to their key stakeholders.

Airway Anatomy Lab #2

  • St. Louis River
  • Jeffery Schultz
This session will give the EMS provider an inside look at the respiratory system and cardiovascular system... Read More We will be looking at ventilation and how it effects patient care. Pig lungs will be used for this class.Session Objectives:Review basic anatomy and physiology of the adult airway Explore principles of basic airway management Demonstrate oral, nasal airway insertion Demonstrate suctioning techniquesDemonstrate the insertion techniques for Combitubes, King- Lt Airways Participate in ventilating through an ET tube Recognize airway and respiratory anatomy Have a better understanding of respiratory injury pathophysiology Participate in ventilator hook up Feel more comfortable in handling respiratory and airway difficulties Review basic airway adjunct options for EMS personnel Discuss complications that arise when handling airways in the field

MCI & Terrorist Incidents

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Reed Groth
Mass Casualty Incidents (MCIs) and terrorist attacks can strain emergency medical services (EMS) to their limits... Read More In this presentation, we explore valuable lessons learned from past incidents and discuss strategies for optimizing available resources. Recognizing that each MCI or terrorist event is unique, this talk encourages participants to assess their region-specific assets and identify gaps. By considering what you have and what you lack, you’ll be better prepared to respond effectively when faced with these challenging scenarios.

Out-of-Hospital-Cardiac-Arrest(OHCA)- equitable access to modern resuscitation science

  • Lake Superior L
  • Pete Tanghe
In this presentation we will review how a large ambulance service addresses providing equitable care for OHCA in a wide variety of communities, including super rural, rural, suburban, urban and super urban areas... Read More   We will review the current literature on resuscitation science and evaluate how EMS providers and leaders can assess what is the proper approach to meet the needs of their communities.  The information conveyed in this meeting will help people decide where to focus equipment purchasing (present and future) training needs and community outreach. Participants will leave having an up to date understanding of cardiac arrest care science and be able to not only function better in any leadership role but also as individual clinicians.

Peds Toxicology: One Pill Can Kill

  • French River
  • Lucas Goodin
An overview of pediatric toxicology and recognition of toxidromes... Read More How to recognize, evaluate and treat potential exposure to chemicals or pharmaceuticals.

The Pregnant Trauma Patient in Extremis- What to Know for the Prehospital Provider

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Nick Larson
  • Frederick Rogers
There is an ongoing and accelerating crisis in the United States today, with respect to obstetrical care, especially in our rural communities... Read More In many parts of the country access to maternal health care is evaporating as hospitals and maternal units close and obstetricians become harder and harder to find for pregnant people. The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate among developed nations,1 and this crisis is only predicted to worsen as obstetric units struggle to stay afloat financially amid a declining national birthrate and decreasing Medicaid reimbursement for maternal services. Currently, 5.- 6 million women live in counties with no access to maternity care, and far more (32 million) are at risk of poor outcomes because of lack of nearby maternal health care options. More than a third of all US counties are now considered maternal care “deserts.”When pregnant patients are involved in traumatic incidents, the trauma clinician encounters two patients—both the mother and the unborn child. Advanced trauma life support (ATLS) dictates that the first priority is the life of the mother, however there are rare situations where to provide the greatest chance of survival for both the mother and baby, an emergency cesarean section (perimortem cesarean delivery) must be performed. The decision to perform this procedure must occur quickly and the reality is that a board-certified obstetrician is rarely present, particularly in rural areas. In this presentation we will review the physiologic changes during pregnancy, review the literature concerning outcome of perimortem c-section and what the prehospital provider can do to improve the potential for a good result in pregnant trauma patients with exsanguinating hemorrhage. Included will be some practical tips to managing the pregnant trauma patient in extremis in the field.ReferencesMaternal mortality ratio [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 13]. Available from: country-comparison/New March of Dimes Research Shows Access to Maternity Care Worsening for Millions of Women in the U.S. [Internet]. [cited 2024 Apr 13]. Available from:

BLS Crash Course Cardiology

  • French River
  • Matthew Lange
Buckle up for this BLS Crash course in cardiology... Read More We will start with a review of the basic anatomy and physiology of the cardiac structures and the path the blood takes while supporting vital functions of the heart. Attendees will surf through the topic of cardiac complexes identifying the different segments and waves that make up a cardiac complex. followed by an electrifying journey understanding the electrical pacemaker of the cardiac cycle covering the how and why of dysrhythmias and identification and treatment of symptoms in the field. Participants will get an inside look at different cardiac disease processes and the etiology of how and why these affect the heart. A case study review to tie it all together. A review of ALS cardiac medications, their trade name and use in the field. This course is a must for any BLS provider.

Bizarre and Unusual Clinical Case Studies 2025

  • Lake Superior O
  • Allen Wolfe
Injuries are one of the most important public health issues worldwide and have a considerable contribution to the disease burden, especially in young adults... Read More Approximately 9% of all blunt trauma patients suffer pelvic fractures. These fractures can range from insignificant and requiring almost no therapy to massive destruction of the pelvic ring associated with multisystem injury and life-threatening hypotension which mandates the attention of specialists. Polytrauma involving multiple systems challenges the best assessment skills. This lecture will examine different types of trauma through a case study format.

Filling in the Gaps of the American Trauma System

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Frederick Rogers
Injury is a national and international epidemic... Read More Injuries both intentional and unintentional take the lives of 4.4 million people throughout the world each year, constituting 8% of all deaths (1). Roughly 1 in 3 deaths following trauma result from motor vehicle collisions, 1 in 6 from suicide, 1 in 10n from homicide and 1 in 61 from international conflict. In addition, tens of millions of people suffer nonfatal injuries which can lead to temporary or permanent disability. Exposure to trauma, particularly in childhood, can increase the risk of mental illness and suicide, as well as diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. It can lead to social problems which can compromise health including smoking, alcohol abuse and drug abuse, which often lead to poverty, crime and further violence (2). Injury, both intentional and unintentional, accounts for 59% of deaths between the ages of 1-44 years old. In 2021, there were 306,086 deaths out of 331,893,748 population in the US (crude death rate of 92.22/1000 population) with a total of 5,748,097 years of potential life lost (3). There is an expectation that when unexpected tragedy strikes, local hospitals are ready willing and able to provide optimal care to the injured patient. Unfortunately, this is often not the case. Getting the right patient, to the right, hospital at the right time can prove to be a logistical tour-de-force. In most situations of trauma leaders from local, state and federal government, in addition to the medical communities, have struggled to create the optimal trauma system that provides a 'seamless' transition between each phase of care, integrating existing resources to improve patient outcome. For a trauma system to function effectively, the entire spectrum of injury must be addressed in its system model. This includes prevention, prehospital care, hospital care and rehabilitation. The principal tenet of trauma system development is that it is 'all-inclusive'- that is all hospitals would participate to the extent that their capabilities and resources would allow. While level I trauma centers provide the highest level of tertiary and quaternary care and are undoubtably needed, the vast majority of injuries can be treated at local hospitals committed to trauma care. In this presentation we will provide a 40,000-foot view of the national trauma system as it currently stands in 2014. Both the beauty spots and the freckles of our current system will be discussed in detail. Finally, recommendations will be provided for how best to improve the future for trauma system development in the United States.ReferencesAll Leading Causes of Death- Injury Facts. Accessed July 14 2024. and violence. Accessed July14, 2024. -violence.WISQARS Fatla and Nonfatal Reports. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Accessed July 14, 2024.

What Does the OSHA Proposed Emergency Response Rule Mean for EMS Providers

  • Lake Superior L
  • Scott Moore
On February 5, 2024, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration published a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) that will provide the first update to the Fire Brigade Standards published 44 years ago... Read More The comment period for the Proposed Rule closed on July 22, 2024 and testimony was held on November 12, 2024. This rule will have significant impacts for Fire, EMS, and Technical Rescue organizations. This session will provide an overview of the Proposed Rule’s new requirements which include additional administrative obligations, job-related training, physical and mental health initial and ongoing assessments for emergency response employees. If implemented as currently drafted, these rules may result in the closure of numerous EMS and fire agencies in this country. 

Wound Ballistics

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Reed Groth
This talk discusses the reality of gunshot wounds... Read More What do bullets do in bodies? The material is presented both from the standpoint of being shot, as well as shooting someone else. There are a lot of myths surrounding gunshot wounds and this block aims to apply science to the issue. Learn more about wounding models, ballistic gelatin, and the history of modern wound ballistics.

Social Hour: Presented by SafeTech and Savvik

  • South Pioneer Hall
Exciting news for the Arrowhead EMS Conference agenda – we’re introducing a Friday evening Social Hour! This much-anticipated gathering is the perfect chance for attendees to mingle, relax, and exchange stories in a casual atmosphere... Read More We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Savvik Buying Group and SafeTech Solutions for their sponsorship, which has been instrumental in bringing this event to life. Don’t miss out on an evening filled with engaging discussions, networking opportunities, and a toast to our amazing EMS community.What’s Included?Cocktails, Beer & Winesome rules apply, see belowAppetizers served by DECC staffWhat Are The Rules?Cocktails, Beer and Wine are complimentary from 4:30 – 5:30 PM. After that they will become cash bars from 5:30 – 7:00 PM.Drinks that contain alcohol are only allowed to be ordered one per person. DECC rules don’t allow for a single person to order multiple alcoholic drinks for multiple people.Get around and visit the exhibitors, grab a drink and enjoy the start to a fun evening in Duluth.
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Welcome & Opening Remarks

  • Lake Superior Ballroom

Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time

  • Lake Superior Ballroom
  • Michael Perry
Drawing on three decades of experience in EMS, firefighting, and nursing, humorist and bestselling entertainer Michael Perry explores the hilarious, heartfelt--and above all--human elements of life “on call... Read More Whether reenacting the hilarious story of his own personal kidney stone or sharing a quiet reflection on death, Perry connects deeply with first responders of all backgrounds. 

Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time.

  • Lake Superior Ballroom
Drawing on three decades of experience in EMS, firefighting, and nursing, humorist and bestselling entertainer Michael Perry explores the hilarious, heartfelt--and above all--human elements of life “on call... Read More Whether reenacting the hilarious story of his own personal kidney stone or sharing a quiet reflection on death, Perry connects deeply with first responders of all backgrounds.


  • Lake Superior Ballroom

Hands On Approach to Patient Care

  • Lake Superior L
  • Jason Dush
  • Lucas Goodin
This class is designed to give you an opportunity to apply all the assessments and skills needed to manage your trauma and medical patients... Read More This is an all day class and attendance for the whole day is required. Throughout the day you will be rotating between different stations that are designed to challenge you while working in the controlled environment. (Limit 45)

Beyond the Call: Enhancing EMS Care for Neurodivergent Patients

  • French River
  • Rachel Rouse
Every first responder has seen someone escalate in behavior, refuse to engage, or just completely shut down... Read More But many of those instances can be mitigated through conscious awareness of how the brain works. I'm Rachel Rouse, founder of Emerge Coaching, and I'm here to propose a game-changing presentation for your EMS providers. Drawing from my extensive background in  early childhood education, K-12 special education, and my work with first responders, I've crafted a session that will take your team's amazing work to the next level.Why This Matters: Every day, EMS professionals encounter individuals with diverse neurological profiles. From autism to sensory processing disorders, from developmental delays to mental health challenges – the spectrum is vast, and the need for understanding is crucial. This session isn't just about ticking a box for special needs training; it's about revolutionizing how we approach patient care for EVERYONE.What We'll Cover: The 3-Part Brain Breakdown: We'll dive into the survival, emotional, and thinking brains. Understanding this framework is key to decoding patient behaviors in high-stress situations. Stress Responses Unveiled: Fight, flight, freeze – sure, you know these. But have you heard of fawn and fib? We'll explore all five and how they manifest in neurodivergent individuals. Neurodevelopmental Differences 101: A crash course in sensory processing disorders, autism, developmental delays, and mental health issues. No jargon, just practical insights. Communication Hacks: Learn why "What?" doesn't always mean they didn't hear you, and why channeling Mr. Rogers (yes, really!) might be your secret weapon. Calming Techniques That Actually Work: From understanding stimming to mastering the art of "low and slow" communication, we'll equip your team with tools that make a real difference. Sensory Considerations in Crisis: Discover why that extra moment adjusting a bandage might be the key to a smoother transport. Interactive Elements: This isn't your typical "sit and listen" session. We'll have:  Real-life scenario breakdowns Interactive demonstrations of communication techniques Why Me? I've developed training programs used across the US, and I've worked directly with first responders to bridge the gap between emergency care and neurodivergent needs. But more importantly, I speak your language. No fluff, no unnecessary jargon – just practical, actionable insights delivered with a dose of humor and a whole lot of heart. The Impact: Imagine a world where every EMS provider feels confident handling calls involving neurodivergent individuals. Where communication barriers crumble, and patient care reaches new heights. That's not just a feel-good scenario – it's a game-changer for patient outcomes, team morale, and community trust.By the end of this session, your team will:Recognize and respond effectively to various stress responsesImplement communication strategies that work for diverse neurological profilesApply sensory-aware techniques to de-escalate crisis situationsApproach each call with a new level of understanding and confidenceLet's face it – in the world of EMS, every second counts. But sometimes, slowing down is the key to speeding up patient care. This session will show your team how to do just that. Are you ready to take your EMS care to the next level? Let's create an experience that your team will be talking about long after the sirens fade. Looking forward to the possibility of bringing this crucial training to your event.Best regards,Rachel Rouse, Founder, Emerge  CoachingP.S. Remember, we're not just talking about improving care for a segment of the population – these techniques enhance interactions with EVERY patient. It's about making these amazing teams even more extraordinary.

Bizarre and Unusual Clinical Case Studies 2025

  • Lake Superior O
  • Allen Wolfe
Injuries are one of the most important public health issues worldwide and have a considerable contribution to the disease burden, especially in young adults... Read More Approximately 9% of all blunt trauma patients suffer pelvic fractures. These fractures can range from insignificant and requiring almost no therapy to massive destruction of the pelvic ring associated with multisystem injury and life-threatening hypotension which mandates the attention of specialists. Polytrauma involving multiple systems challenges the best assessment skills. This lecture will examine different types of trauma through a case study format.

Compensation Programs for Volunteers

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Scott Moore
Many EMS and fire agencies in the United States rely on volunteer labor to ensure they can deliver services to those in need... Read More Without these community members stepping forward, many areas in this country would not have an EMS or fire response to emergencies. Due to the pandemic, and many other reasons, volunteerism in EMS is reported to be on the decline. This has caused some agencies to have to transition to using paid staff. This transition often causes confusion about the factors that distinguish a volunteer from an employee. Additionally, this transition can create compliance issues for these organizations. This session will discuss the rules related to compensating volunteers and how to ensure that your program is compliant.

That’s the Stuff Nightmares are Made of: Lessons Learned from Challenging Airway Cases

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Aaron Peth
Prehospital Care Providers are faced with making split-second decisions daily, often with profound implications on the patient’s outcome... Read More However, as the adage goes, “the patient doesn’t read the protocols” often holds true, and providers are faced with making decisions for out of the ordinary situations. These situations often will rely on a provider’s understanding of pathophysiology and critical thinking to manage complex situations. This presentation will focus on four cases in which airway management was complicated by complex physiology and learning points attendees can take away for their practice.

Chest Trauma: Evaluation & Management from Pre-hospital to Hospital

  • French River
  • Mark Scott
I would like to review the pre-hospital and hospital management of chest trauma including: Anatomy/physiology MOI Prevalence Correct placement of needle decompression/finger thoracostomy Potential adverse events Considerations for geriatrics Healing time and treatment modalities we offer including rib plating... Read More

Navigating the Perfect Storm in EMS

  • Lake Superior O
  • Matt Zavadsky
EMS systems and agencies are facing unprecedented service delivery challenges... Read More Staffing shortages, ER discharge delays and economic pressures are undermining even the most historically reliable and stable EMS systems. These challenges have created an opportunity to engage in conversations regarding service levels that would previously been considered heresy. This session will walk participants through several EMS design changes that you should be considering in your community.

Suffering in Silence: One Paramedic's Journey Through Post-Traumatic Treatment

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Aaron Peth
Post-Traumatic Stress Injury is often spoke about in hushed tones and abstractly, but what exactly does it look like? The reality is first responders today are exposed to trauma unlike anything that has been encountered in America before, and without appropriate resources, this epidemic of mental health crisis among first responders will continue to grow... Read More This presentation will share the story of one first responder's path.

Technology & Social Media in an EMS Workplace

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Scott Moore
Employees in an EMS workplace access technology, mobile devices, and social media continuously during their workday... Read More Often an employee’s use of these devices and platforms unreasonably interfere or negatively impact the EMS workplace. EMS leaders must ensure that their supervisors and managers understand the boundaries for employee use of mobile devices and social media platforms to ensure compliance with patient and coworker privacy and other workplace laws. Increasingly, federal and state law restricts the extent to which an employer can control an employee’s social media posts and off duty conduct. This module will arm supervisors with critical information to ensure that they effectively and compliantly manage the employee’s use of mobile devices and platforms in the workplace.


  • Lake Superior Ballroom

Elder Abuse 101: Education, Prevention & Resources

  • Lake Superior O
  • Brenda Shafer-Pellinen
This informative session helps us learn more about what elder abuse is, recognize the common dynamics of abuse in later life, identify unique barriers that may exist for older adults seeking assistance, and learn about available resources... Read More Discover what to look for and how to get help if someone you encounter might be a victim.

Not just squiggly lines: ECG overview for BLS providers

  • French River
  • Latimer Hoke
EMTs nationwide are expected to acquire (and usually transmit) a 12-lead ECG, but there’s no expectation to know anything about the squiggly lines on the screen... Read More Some systems actively obstruct BLS providers from developing an awareness of ECG tracings, and might even prohibit making treatment decisions based on the information on the cardiac monitor screen. However, a BLS provider who has some familiarity with ECGs will better understand many common health conditions, and may even help an ALS provider avoid lethal mistakes.

Pharmacology and Overdose

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Kirk Hughes
This lecture will focus on discussing basic mechanisms of toxicity and clinical effects expected from various classes of drugs, including evidenced based treatment, from an EMS and ER perspective... Read More For example, did you know that the commonly used drug Wellbutrin (bupropion) is actually in the Bath Salt family of drugs?

Sepsis/Diabetic Foot and Lower Extremity Infections. How to Identify and Manage in the Pre Hospital Setting

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Anthony Pojman
If you are a first responder, visiting nurse or community paramedic, you will encounter sepsis caused by a diabetic foot or lower extremity ulcerations or infection... Read More This lecture will give you the tools needed to identify sepsis and how  foot and lower extremity infections/ulcerations can be a confusing presentation.  Diabetic foot infections and sepsis can be a life or limb threatening condition that a times,  requires emergent medical or even surgical treatment to prevent loss of life or limb.  According to recent data, diabetic foot or leg amputation is a primary complication of diabetes. Across the globe, it is estimated that a limb is amputated every 3 minutes and 85% of these amputations are due to a diabetic foot ulcer. I will show you the proper foot exam and what to look for in your examination. I will discuss signs and symptoms of neuropathy and peripheral vascular disease that directly contribute to the worsening of ulcerations. I will discuss how a patient with a large wound may not even be aware that they have a problem until they start showing signs of sepsis. This lecture will include photos of actual conditions that I have treated.

Deliberate Practice

  • Lake Superior O
  • Kerry Degen
The art of deliberate practice will allow us to gain proficiency in our skills as EMS professionals... Read More Routine practice is not enough, deliberate practice requires discipline and focus with intention. In our classroom establishing guided and purposeful practice with specific goals is key to improved performance.  Constantly refining and honing our practice is necessary to deliver optimal patient care. If we can present the habits of focused and intentional practice during the initial stages of training, this will commit them to a lifelong process of refining and honing their skills. This presentation will review Anders Ericsson’s work in deliberate practice and determine how to implement in our education programs and clinical practice.

EMS Under Pressure: Combating Toxic Culture

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Sophie Fuller
In the demanding world of Emergency Medical Services (EMS), the morale and culture within your team can make or break the quality of service provided... Read More This class is designed to equip EMS providers and administrators with the tools and strategies necessary to cultivate a positive, supportive, and thriving workplace culture.  Participants will learn how to foster healthy peer-to-peer interactions, promote teamwork, and build a sense of community among EMS personnel. Additionally, the session will cover essential administrative practices that support and sustain a positive culture from the top down.Key topics include:Understanding the impact of culture on EMS performance and job satisfactionEffective communication techniques for peer and administrative levelsStrategies for recognizing and addressing toxic behaviorsBuilding resilience and promoting mental health among EMS providersLeadership skills for fostering a positive and inclusive work environmentImplementing policies and practices that reinforce a supportive cultureBy the end of this class, attendees will be empowered to create and maintain a positive culture that enhances morale, improves service quality, and contributes to the overall well-being of their EMS teams.

Law Enforcement and EMS

  • French River
  • Douglas Wildermuth
Law enforcement and EMS are fluid fields that are ever changing... Read More Do EMS responders know that they can transport a police K9 in their ambulance? What can we do for a suspect that has been Tased and were you aware of where the tourniquet is on a police officer? When transporting a prisoner, should the officer be with us? Come see this program that dynamically brings both worlds together. 

OB Emergency

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Reed Groth
In this lecture, we delve into the multifaceted world of obstetrics... Read More Our focus includes:Terminology: We’ll demystify essential OB terms, ensuring a common understanding among healthcare professionals.Processes: We explore the intricate journey of pregnancy, labor, and delivery, emphasizing key milestones and challenges.Treatment Modalities: When an OB patient faces distress, timely interventions are crucial. We analyze evidence-based approaches to manage complications and optimize outcomes.

Blood Goes Round and Round...

  • Lake Superior O
  • Kerry Degen
In the high-stakes environment of prehospital emergency care, timely and effective management of traumatic hemorrhage is crucial... Read More This session will explore the latest advancements and best practices in administering whole blood in prehospital settings.  Attendees will gain insights into the clinical benefits of whole blood replacement compared to traditional crystalloids and component therapy. We will delve into the evidence supporting its use, discuss implementation strategies for integrating whole blood into ambulance protocols, and address the logistical and regulatory considerations involved.  This session is designed for emergency medical professionals who are involved in or interested in improving prehospital trauma care. Join us to deepen your understanding of whole blood replacement and its transformative potential in saving lives on the front lines of emergency medicine.

Critical Factors: Establishing EMS Command For Escalating Incidents

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Greg Hayes
  • Tyler Lupkes
In today's rapidly evolving emergency response landscape, it is imperative for Emergency Medical Service (EMS) providers to implement a robust "EMS Command" structure for managing escalating incidents... Read More Analysis of numerous local, state, national, and international after-action reviews has consistently shown that the absence of a well-defined EMS Command structure often leads to delays in patient care and heightened risks for EMS personnel.  This presentation offers a comprehensive foundation for establishing an effective EMS Command structure and developing strategic decision-making skills. Drawing on insights from various after-action reviews, we will explore the challenges faced by EMS providers and provide practical guidance on addressing them. By the conclusion of the presentation, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement a robust EMS Command structure in their own operational environments.

Toward Zero Deaths: The Critical Role of EMS in Post-Crash Care

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Katy Kressin
This presentation will explore the critical role of Emergency Medical Services (EMS) providers in achieving the ambitious goal of Toward Zero Deaths on our roadways... Read More We will delve into the importance of post-crash care as a vital component of the Safe System approach to traffic safety. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of the impact EMS has on saving lives, reducing injuries, and improving outcomes for crash victims. The presentation will highlight best practices, challenges, and opportunities for EMS to enhance their response and treatment protocols in the critical minutes following a crash.

You can't do that! Keep your cool and stay in the game.

  • French River
  • Douglas Wildermuth
In recent years, EMS providers have increasingly faced volatile and dangerous situations while performing their duties... Read More With the rise in violence against EMS personnel, it is crucial to equip our providers with the necessary skills to manage and de-escalate these tense encounters effectively. As professional as we try to be during these high stress situations, there are many providers that are fighting back and escalating this violence. Is this self-defense or should we retreat? Did we start the interview off correctly and/or what can we do to de-escalate the situation? Are the emotions of these types of incidents leading to provider burnout? Please join us and understand some tricks of the trade to address these challenges.
Sunday, January 19, 2025

Beyond the Ambulance: The Expanding Role of Community Paramedics and EMTs

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Michael Juntunen
This session will delve into the expanding role of community paramedics and EMTs as they move beyond traditional emergency response to become integral components of comprehensive healthcare delivery... Read More Attendees will gain insights into the potential of community paramedicine and expanded EMT programs to address population health needs, prevent disease, and reduce healthcare costs. The session will explore various models of community paramedicine, including their implementation challenges and successes. Additionally, it will discuss strategies for securing sustainable funding for these programs. A key focus will be on the cultural shift necessary to transition from episodic, emergency-focused care to a longitudinal approach that emphasizes prevention and wellness.

Calling For An ALS Intercept

  • Lake Superior L
  • Martin Sullivan
  • Marvin Sullivan
  • Brad Zinniel
Join us in an interactive session that will discuss ALS intercepts... Read More We will review equipment, medications, and procedures that ALS and air ambulances perform. The discussions will include how your BLS assessment and treatment is key to early care, a detailed hand off report for continuity of care, and a unified treatment team providing a high quality of care. We will discuss scene treatments, and intercepts where 1 ALS provider joins your BLS team and continues care enroute to the hospital.

No Cap: Next Gen EMS Education & Social Media

  • French River
  • Sophie Fuller
In today’s fast-paced digital world, EMS education must evolve to meet students where they are: on social media... Read More “No Cap: Next Gen EMS Education & Social Media” explores the potential of social platforms to deliver consistent, accessible, and engaging educational content. By integrating social media into the curriculum, educators can ensure uniformity across student learning experiences, as a single video or post can deliver the same material to multiple cohorts, reducing variability. This presentation will challenge traditional views on the use of social media in education, encouraging instructors to embrace this medium as a tool for teaching, rather than a distraction. Whether or not educators approve, students are already consuming medical content online, so this is an opportunity to guide them toward accurate, reliable sources of information. Join us to learn how to leverage the power of social media to enhance learning outcomes, engage students, and stay ahead in the ever-changing landscape of EMS education.Learning Objectives:Understand the role of social media in modern education: Attendees will explore how social media platforms can be effectively used to supplement traditional EMS education.Recognize the benefits of content consistency: Participants will learn how social media can provide uniformity in instruction by delivering the same educational content to various classes, reducing discrepancies between instructors.Evaluate content quality on social media: Attendees will discuss strategies for curating and producing high-quality, accurate EMS educational content, ensuring students access reliable information.Apply the “if you can’t beat them, join them” philosophy: Participants will discover how to adapt to the reality of students turning to social media for education and explore ways to create or promote appropriate, correct content for student consumption.Create actionable steps for integrating social media into the classroom: Attendees will leave with concrete strategies for incorporating social media in and outside the classroom to enhance learning and engagement.

OB Trauma Case Studies: My Patients Pinned and Pregnant

  • Lake Superior O
  • Jason Dush
Imagine that you receive an 8-month pregnant patient who is trapped in a vehicle after being involved in a collision at an intersection... Read More   Extrication has taken place by the fire department and the patient is headed to the hospital by ambulance or helicopter when…..  These case reviews will look at a logical sequence for the initial assessment and management of these trauma patients.  Come challenge yourself and see how your service would handle these cases.Discuss physiological changes during pregnancy Discuss assessment challenges Discuss treatment and transport considerations

Tick-talk, lub-dub: Lyme-induced heart failure

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Latimer Hoke
In this session, we will review a case study of a 70-year-old male veterinarian, farmer, and ski instructor (my father) who went from a paragon of cardiovascular fitness to being winded when standing up off the couch... Read More   It turned out he had Lyme disease that led to near-fatal heart failure, which was missed by multiple doctors including his PCP and finally diagnosed in the emergency department.  He has since made a full recovery, kicked Covid-19’s butt, and is still able to out-hike me (and I run ultramarathons!).

Changing Gears from Adults to Pediatric Care with CPs

  • French River
  • Spencer Lewison
  • Aimee Zeinert
Creating a partnership with pediatrics to help reduce days in hospital and improve outcomes with earlier in home care... Read More How CP's can manage pediatric respiratory illness in the comfort of home and alleviate parental concerns. CP's create a bridge from hospital care to Primary care following acute respiratory illness.

I wish I’d learned it that way the first time!

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Latimer Hoke
Even a decade-and-a-half into my EMS career, I’m still picking up new tricks that make me say, “I wish I’d learned it that way the first time!”  For some examples, eight years in, I learned to make a “SAMmock splint... Read More ” Nine years in, I learned intravenous magic tricks from a phlebotomy instructor. Ten years in, I learned a neat trick that enables even people with tiny hands to use a bag-valve mask solo. Fourteen years in, I learned to count DOWN to zero with painful procedures, so that the patient knows when the pain should end.  In this quick hands-on session, I will pass these tricks – and more – along to you. Once I learn a new trick, that “trick” becomes “normal” for all of my future students. Let’s pass these along!

It's In Our Back Yard: Domestic Terrorism on the Rise

  • Lake Superior O
  • Jason Dush
Domestic Terrorism has become a big challenge for public safety and the health care industry facing everything from deadly mass shootings to bombings... Read More The question remains, "What are we doing to be proactive vs. reactive?" Active shooter drills have become the norm for training law enforcement and first responders. Mass shooting protocols are starting to become a frequent policy addition for most agencies. Intelligence units within law enforcement are working more with federal assets to keep our communities safer. However, we have to ask additional questions about whether we're paying enough attention to domestic terrorism. This session will evaluate  address ways to improve situational awareness and challenges we continue to face.Discuss preparedness and trainingDiscuss response capabilities and challengesReview an incident and lessons learned

Past, Present, and Future of First Responder & BLS Patient Care

  • Lake Superior L
  • Martin Sullivan
  • Marvin Sullivan
  • Brad Zinniel
In this session, we will be discussing the progression of patient care that  First Responders and BLS providers have been allowed to perform from the beginning, going into the future... Read More We will discuss the current state of EMS and what the current level of treatment is, training standards, and maintaining quality of care amid all of the challenges. We will then move onto discussing what the future looks like. We will discuss tiered responses, longer on scene times before transport, larger coverage areas, and staffing shortages. With the possibility of some or all of these challenges, we will discuss what those changes may look like, and how they may affect how we provide patient care. We will discuss the process of moving into the future and what we can do now to ensure we maintain that high level of quality care.

Victims of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Can Benefit From Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy! What You Need To Know

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Christopher Logue
  • Ryan Mueller
In this presentation we will answer questions that many health professionals may not feel confident they know the answers to... Read More For example: When?  When should we bring our patient to a hyperbaric facility? What readings should we in EMS look for to justify bringing a patient to a hospital with a hyperbaric program? If already at the hospital, what labs are important to consider when determining how to treat our patient with CO toxicity? As a first responder or paramedic, what details are important to know when dealing with a "CO with symptoms" call? Once a patient recovers does any danger remain? What considerations are there for pregnant mothers? And more! How? How exactly does hyperbaric medicine help our patients? We will take time to explain how and why hyperbaric oxygen therapy helps in many cases. We will analyze some interesting cases of CO toxicity we have treated in HCMC and look at what the outcomes show us. And of course, we will introduce you to our facility once again and show you around so you can see how it operates and what the patient experiences when they treat with us!

Diabetes 101

  • French River
  • Aimee Zeinert
A deep dive into everything diabetes for the 911 provider... Read More New technology and what to do with it in a diabetes emergency. Medication education and review.

EMS Response to Flooding and Natural Disasters

  • Lake Superior O
  • Jason Dush
When our communities are impacted by flooding and other natural disasters, first responders are faced with many challenges... Read More What is your plan when you are personally impacted by the disaster or separated from you family? What is your plan B and C for response, evacuations, sheltering, medical care and sustainability. This session will take you on a journey of preparedness, response and recovery for first responders through a case scenario and interactive group discussions. Discuss preparedness and planningDiscuss response capabilities and challengesReview an incident and lessons learned

GIS Indoor Maps of K12 Schools for Public Safety

  • Gooseberry Falls
  • Dan Craigie
During the 2024 legislation session, $7 million was appropriated from the 9-1-1 Special Revenue Fund to build GIS-based indoor maps for use by public safety during an emergency response... Read More In this session, we’ll review the legislation, introduce key stakeholders, discuss the role of the EMS industry in developing requirements, and the value of an indoor map to the public safety ecosystem.

Neonatal Resuscitation

  • Lake Superior L
  • Lucas Goodin
Neonatal care tends to take us out of our comfort zone... Read More These high stress environments can make a simple task difficult to perform. We will go through the steps needed to increase your confidence and help you provide the best possible care.

Old MacDonald Drives a Truck - Two Ways to Use Information How Aging Affects Driving and Helping Older (age 60+) Drivers

  • Lake Superior M,N
  • Jane Smalley
  • Joan Somes
Aging leads to physical & cognitive changes that affect safe driving... Read More The increasing numbers of those age 65 and older involved in crashes, being injured and dying on Minnesota roads bears this out. This session will outline the physical and cognitive changes associated with aging, describe how driving behaviors area affected, outline rapid screening tools that can be used to assess the senior's capabilities, describe actions that can be taken/taught to seniors to increase older driver safety, and what to do if concerned about a senior's driving. One objective is to increase awareness of the older driver safety issue. Information that will help assess a senior to determine if they are safe to get (back) into a vehicle and drive, or make an appropriate decision about being taken to the hospital following an "assist" or being "checked out" will be provided. A second objective is to provide information that can be used to create a community outreach/injury prevention program to increase older driver safety. Using a grant from the MN Dept. of Public Safety/Office of Traffic Safety, the  Minnesota Emergency Nurses Association has created a toolkit of educational materials that can be used at community safety events or create an outreach program. Contents of the toolkit and education will be shared during this session.
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