Event Information
2025 Arrowhead EMS Conference
About the Event
The objective of the conference & expo objective is to provide Emergency Medical Services personnel with applicable knowledge to better manage, treat, and assess various traumatic and medical-related emergencies, and to provide the tools to continuously improve the overall management of services. You will learn techniques and information to improve yourself, your patient care and your EMS agency.
What to You’ll Get Out of It
With the Northeast region’s largest exhibition of EMS products and service suppliers, this event will be Arrowhead EMS Association’s highlight of 2025. It will allow our attendees to see, hear, examine, question and evaluate the latest developments in equipment, supplies and services that are recommended for use in the EMS profession.
This conference will also give you a chance to reconnect with some old friends and hopefully meet some new ones who share your passion for EMS. Don’t miss this chance to meet some of the finest individuals in the EMS profession.

Register for AEMSA Conference & Expo
This event allows our attendees to see, hear, examine, question and evaluate the latest developments in equipment, supplies and services that are recommended for use in the EMS profession.